Etsy Shop - TheBeadAerie

I ♥ Peggy's cool bohemian vibe, it has such a great organic feel + her photography is stellar!!
Her Etsy shop is TheBeadAerie + she's a teamie of mine from sweet16team + 
last month she went above + beyond with
a whack load of treasuries....C H E E R S  P E G G Y !!!!!


  1. I, too, LOVE AND ADORE Peggy's style. She is a wonderful and supportive friend and teammate, too. She loves the arts and supports her fellow teammates on Etsy above and beyond.

    We all need to own a piece of her work!!

    Thanks Peggy!

  2. Peggy has beautiful jewels and a gorgeous shop! She's also one of my favorite Etsy peeps!!

  3. Lisa, I'm honored and thrilled that you've featured my work in your lovely blog!
    Thank you thank you - and go Sweet 16!
