blog stalking!! - 'nomadic d'

Here is a blog I check into from time to time.  Nomadic-d is easy reading and her style is super cool!

It's been raining on and off all day and we are expecting tons more with high winds this evening.   I can't complain because I love the rain; the gray, the gloomy, I think it's kind of romantic weather.  With that said..

I hope you're having a wet!!



  1. Yes I am having a wet Wednesday. Thank you very much!! ^_^ And I think walks in the drizzly light rain can be very romantic, but cold...dreary....windy?!...Not so much! ^_^ Enjoy it...if you've 'got a hankering to'!

  2. Thanks wugs. I love the part when you get home wet and cold and you walk into a nice warm home. Such a great welcome!
