fashion friday

i came across this editorial shoot by Karl Lagerfeld, Vogue Germany, from October 2008 a little while ago and found it to have some of the most incredible images i've ever seen. it's entitled "Insel der Sehnsucht"/island of longing and it's so hauntingly beautiful. there is such a stillness in some of these photos, an atmosphere of isolation, a world not yet discovered, it's all so dark and romantic....

find more of these exciting photos here.

the tower is going to be busy over the next week as we are heading into march break. i know my two older musketeers will welcome this break and little brother will be thrilled to have them both around. not sure what our plans are, but whatever we do i'm sure it will be filled with laughter and tears. 
have a great weekend! what are some of your plans?


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